ECFR Researchers 2017-2018
Willem Jansink
is: critical, reflexive and authentic. loves: travelling to developing countries, frisbeeing in the park, catching up on the latest tunes and pretending to be a DJ once in a while. is passionate about doing research because: it gives him the opportunity to lay the foundation upon which crucial decisions are made. |
Denise Schwarz
is: a 24-years-old, food-loving, movie-addicted and sarcasm-appreciating Master student who is always curious about what life is about to bring next. loves: to meet up with her friends and go exercising, but she also appreciates a good book or a good movie. Nevertheless, her favourite way of spending free time is visiting friends, travelling to get to know new places or planning the next journey. is passionate about doing research because: it gives her the opportunity to dig deeper into issues she is particularly interested in while at the same time exploring new sub-fields. |